Detail kurzu

MOC 20480 - Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

Telegrafia a. s.

Popis kurzu

Toto školenie je úvodom do HTML5, CSS3 a JavaScript v prostredi Visual Studio 2012 a zároveň je vstupným bodom do webovej aplikácie a Windows Store Apps vzdelávacích ciest.

Obsah kurzu

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Explain how to use Visual Studio 2012 to create and run a Web application.
  • Describe the new features of HTML5, and create and style HTML5 pages.
  • Add interactivity to an HTML5 page by using JavaScript.
  • Create HTML5 forms by using different input types, and validate user input by using HTML5 attributes and JavaScript code.
  • Send and receive data to and from a remote data source by using XMLHTTPRequest objects and jQuery AJAX operations.
  • Style HTML5 pages by using CSS3.
  • Create well-structured and easily-maintainable JavaScript code.
  • Use common HTML5 APIs in interactive Web applications.
  • Create Web applications that support offline operations.
  • Create HTML5 Web pages that can adapt to different devices and form factors.
  • Add advanced graphics to an HTML5 page by using Canvas elements, and by using and Scalable Vector Graphics.
  • Enhance the user experience by adding animations to an HTML5 page.
  • Use Web Sockets to send and receive data between a Web application and a server.
  • Improve the responsiveness of a Web application that performs long-running operations by using Web Worker processes.

Cieľová skupina

profesionálni vývojári

Poznámka k cene

Cena vrátane originál Microsoft príručky v digitálnej forme

Kontaktná osoba

Ing, Miriama Durkáčová
+421 915 999 215

